As important as it is to keep a well-stocked first aid kit, it is just as important to know how to use it. Taking the time to read the first aid leaflet included in your kit will give you an understanding of how and when to apply the specific items contained within.
First aid leaflets should provide you with a basic knowledge of first aid, such knowing that:
Dressing pads & gauze are used to cover and pack bleeding wounds
Rescue blankets help regulate body temperature
Non-adherent dressings are used to cover wounds and burns
Triangular bandages can be used as a arm sling to immobilise the injured limb along with a splint
Saline containers are used to flush debris from wounds and eyes
However, if you want or require further first aid training it is advisable that you enroll in a first aid course that provides nationally recognised Statement/s of Attainment issued by a Registered Training Organisation as stipulated by the Code of Practice. See Real Response for example.
It’s important to know that, as a business operating in Australia, you must ensure that an adequate number of workers have received sufficient first aid training and can administer first aid, or that workers have access to an adequate number of other people who are trained to administer first aid.